
coursework for COMP 322/422

Course assessment will continue throughout the semester.

If you have any questions on the following assessments, please contact me.


  • assessment will include a combination of semester’s exercises and discussions (1), project outline and mockup (2), DEV week (3), and final demo and report (4)
    • project outline & mockup
      • brief group presentation of initial concept and mockup
    • DEV week demo
      • brief group presentation and demo
    • final demo
      • presentation and live demo
    • final report
      • clearly detail design and development process
      • outline testing, prototypes &c.
      • explain what does and does not work in your final app
      • detail concepts and ideas for further development of this mobile application
    • work may be conducted individually or in groups (max. 5 persons per group)
      • group report must clearly define each student’s work and contributions, where applicable
        • no attribution, no mark

n.b. please read the Final Report Outline for further details.

Assessed coursework will include the following primary categories:

1. weekly exercises & discussions (20%)
  • exercises
    • help develop course project
    • test course knowledge at each stage
    • get feedback on project work
  • discussions
    • sample mobile applications, games, services…
    • design topics, UI and UX concepts
  • extras
    • code and application reviews
    • various other assessments
    • peer review of demos

2. project outline & mockup (15%)
  • begin outline and design of a mobile application
    • built from scratch
      • NOT a responsive website viewed on a mobile device
    • builds upon examples, technology outlined during first part of semester
    • purpose, scope &c. is group’s choice
    • chosen topic requires approval
    • presentation should include mockup designs and concepts

n.b. project outline assessment will include the following:

  • brief presentation or demonstration of current project work
    • ~ 5 to 10 minutes per group
    • analysis of work conducted so far
    • presentation and demonstration
      • outline current state of mobile app concept and design
      • show prototypes and designs

3. DEV week assessment (25%)
  • begin development of a mobile application from scratch
    • NOT a responsive website viewed on a mobile device
    • must apply technologies taught up to and including DEV week, e.g.
      • Apache Cordova or React Native
      • combine technologies taught to fit your mobile app…
  • can be platform agnostic (cross-platform) or specific targeted OS, e.g.
    • cross-platform app that builds for Android and iOS
    • targeted build for Android or iOS
    • consider choice, and explain why?
  • outline concept, research conducted to date
  • consider applicable design patterns
  • are you using any sensors &c.?
    • how, why?
  • prototyping
    • demo current prototypes
    • any working tests or models &c.
  • anything else to help explain your mobile app…

NB: DEV week assessment will include the following:

  • brief presentation or demonstration of current project work
    • ~ 10 minutes per group
    • analysis of work conducted so far
      • e.g. during semester & DEV week
    • presentation and demonstration…
      • outline mobile app
      • show prototypes and designs
      • explain what does & does not work

4. final assessment (40%)
  • continue to develop your app concept and prototypes
    • develop application using any of the technologies taught during the course
    • again, combine technologies to best fit your mobile app
  • produce a working app
    • as far as possible try to create a fully working app
    • explain any parts of the app not working…
  • explain choice of technologies for mobile app development
    • e.g. data stores, APIs, modules, &c.
  • explain design decisions
    • outline what you chose and why?
    • what else did you consider, and then omit? (again, why?)
  • which concepts could you abstract for easy porting to other platform/OS?
  • describe patterns used in design of UI and interaction

Important assessment dates

  • project outline and mockup
    • due Tuesday 24th September 2019 @ 2.30pm
    • due Thursday 26th September 2019 @ 2.30pm
  • DEV week demo
    • due Tuesday 29th October 2019 @ 2.30pm
    • due Thursday 31st October 2019 @ 2.30pm
  • final team demo
    • due Tuesday 3rd December 2019 @ 2.30pm
    • due Thursday 5th December 2019 @ 2.30pm
  • final team report
    • due Saturday 14th December 2019


Grades will be issued for appropriate weekly or section tasks, where applicable, and for each of the core assessments listed above. A composite grade will then be available at the end of the semester for the overall class.

Grades will use the following scale,

  • 100% to 91% = A
  • 90% to 81% = A-
  • 80% to 71% = B+
  • 70% to 61% = B
  • 60% to 51% = B-
  • 50% to 41% = C
  • 40% to 31% = F
  • 30% to 0% = ?